Thursday, December 13, 2007

Which Way Will It Go?

The Supreme Court will announce their decision on their recent hearing on the constitutionality of the Executive Order tomorrow afternoon. The UACL has made our stance clear that in order to wiretap an American citizen, the proper measures to obtain a warrant must be taken, something that this administration has clearly failed to do. Even AG Mukasey and Diana Perino have said that the administration did not go through all the steps to receive the warrants. The country will be greatly affected by this crucial decision, and this case will also set precedents for the future. The UACL can only hope, for the country's state, that the Supreme Court justices make the right decision.

--Jordan Lonner

Q & A with Attorney General Michael Mukasey

Thursday, UACL reporters Jordan Lonner and Casey Hursh sat down with Attorney General Michael Mukasey to discuss the new bill that some Senators are drafting up.......

Q: Has the white house contributed to writing this bill?
A: As far as I know, they have not.

Q: Will the Supreme Courts decision be made by the time this bill is released?
A: The decision will be issued first.

Q: Where is the bill now?
A: The bill is currently in the committee.

Q: Specifically, what does this bill do?
A: My sources tell me that the bill will allow the Department of Justice and other intel gatherings to give FISA faster warrants and allow the attorney general to skip to the front of the line when it comes to recieving a warrant.

Q: Is the white house satisfied with this bill?
A: I'm not completely sure but my sources hint that it sounds like it's good.

--Casey Hursh and Jordan Lonner