Friday, December 14, 2007
Supreme Court Rules Against Constitution
Twin blows were struck against civil liberties today in Washington, where the Supreme Court struck down objections that the executive branch had acted unconstitutionally and the Senate passed a bill that builds upon the powers extended by a controversial executive order. The executive branch expressed satisfaction with both the ruling and the legislation. Attorney General Michael Mukasey smugly told UACL representatives that he was "very satisfied with the way the Supreme Court ruled in this case." The UACL plans to publicly state its disappointment and to wage a campaign to defeat the bill on the floor of the House. "There is nothing to be done except to say that we, as concerned citizens and as campaigners for civil rights, are saddened by the decisions made today by the United States Government,"said the UACL's own Kelly McCarthy. Press Secretary Dana Perrino, when asked about the administration's response to probable public discontent about the Senate's actions, said that the administration hopes "that the bill the Senate has passed will please the public." The UACL very much doubts it will.